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A Song From The Sea to the Sanctuary

January 27, 2019 Speaker: Rob Davis Series: Slaves to Sons

Passage: Exodus 15:1–21

Community Group Questions: Exodus 15:1-21 "A Song From The Sea To The Sanctuary"

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Read the passage aloud as a group and then work through the following questions:

  1. The response of Moses and the Israelites to God’s miraculous deliverance at the Red Sea was a song of praise to the Lord. Does this response surprise you, given their previous pattern of groaning and complaining? Is there an example here for us to follow?


  1. What role does music/song play in your spiritual walk with the Lord? Apart from what we discussed in the sermon, how would you respond to the question of ‘why do you sing?’?


  1. The Song of Moses shows us that worship through song is our response to the Lord. Specifically, we are responding to 3 things:


  • We sing in response to who God is (vv.1-3). Review again the declarations their song made about the Lord (He is my strength, He is my song, He is my salvation, He is a man of war). Does one of these particularly resonate with you at this season of your life? What does your song declare about who God is?


  • We sing in response to what God has done (vv.4-12, 19-21). These verses clearly show that God has powerfully defeated the enemy. In their context, it was the mighty Egyptians. In our context, it’s the power of sin and Satan. Do you find yourself doubting this at times? Is there a situation you are currently facing that has caused you to doubt God’s victory over sin and Satan? Is there a song of remembrance you can claim to fight doubt and rest in the promise of God’s victory?


  • We sing in response to what God will do (vv.13-18). These verses include a two-fold promise from the Lord: 1) He will protect His people as they journey through the wilderness toward the promised land, and 2) He will deliver them safely to His sanctuary. How have you personally experienced God’s protection as you journey through life? What encouragement do you find from God’s promise to bring you safely into His eternal presence?


  1. Do these three reasons for singing mirror the reasons you sing? If not, what variables have hindered your ability and desire to respond to God through song?


  1. Can you identify a song at this particular season of your life that God has given to you? If so…sing your song!

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